Agassiz Project Software Manuals

Number Title Author(s) Location Date Etc.
97-6 The HLI Interface Specification for Back-End Compilers (v0.1) Stephen J. Schwinn 9/1/1997
97-5 The HLI Implementor's Guide (v0.1) Sangyeun Cho and Yonghong Song 5/12/1997
97-4 The HLI Back-end Interface Specification Steve J. Schwinn 5//1997
97-3 HLI Format for Integrating Front-end and Back-end Compilers (v0.2) Jenn-Yuan Tsai 2/14/1997
97-2 GCC Modification to Support HLI gcc-mod.txt 1/6/1997
97-1 Interaction between GCC Passes and HLI gcc-hli.txt 1/3/1997
96-3 On Implementing Software Pipelining in GCC Sangyeun Cho 11/14/1996
96-2 (Agassiz Compiler Related Documents) Tong Chen and Jenn-Yuan Tsai csl01/agassiz/doc 1996 - (ongoing)
96-1 HLI Functions for GCC Bob Glamm 3/19/1996
95-1 HLI Format for Integrating Front-end and Back-end Compilers (v0.1) Jenn-Yuan Tsai csl01/hli/docu 12/22/1995

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